Warehouse Stock Rotation Report PDF/Excel Odoo Apps
Rotation of stock and inventory required considering thier expiry data. Warehouse Stock Rotation Report odoo app provide feature to all stock movements and other important details where User can generate report of included point’s are opening stock and closing stock, transfer(IN) and transfer(OUT), sales count and purchase count according given period. This app can keep track of internal transfer,Inventory Turnover, inventory movement report for specific periods with PDF and Excel Odoo doesn’t such feature for warehouse management system for all inventory items.
Date Filter Condition.
User can decide start date and end date.
Sales Count & Purchase Count.
Get sales count & purchase count of every product.
Opening Stock.
Get opening stock according given period.
Warehouse Transfer(IN)/(OUT).
Get warehouse transfer(IN) & transfer(OUT) of every product.
Closing Stock.
Get closing stock according given period.
Excel Report.
Easy to generate excel report file.