Report Designer (XLSX, XLSM)
Module allows to Create and Print various
Financial and Analytical Reports for all Odoo Applications,
including Custom Applications, in MS Excel format (XLSX, XLSM),
for any data with any level of detail
Report Designer Features
- All Models (including custom Models defined during development) are available for printing.
- All Models Fields (including custom Models Fields defined during development, Calculated Fields not stored in the database and Images) are available for printing.
- Report structure is determined by Sections:
- Sections describe the model data.
- Subsections describe the data of related models.
- Possible to define any number of Sections.
- Each Section can contain any number of Subsections.
- The sections can be arranged in any order according to the other Sections.
- Sections can contain any number of Excel Fields definitions.
- For Excel Fields you can select a Model Field from Any related Model.
- Excel Fields in the section can be arranged in any order relative to other Excel Fields.
- Excel Fields possible to define additional properties:
- Formulas.
- Grouping by Excel Fields.
- Aggregate functions (used in conjunction with Grouping): Sum, Max, Min, Count, Avg.
- Having Clause enables you to specify conditions that filter which group results appear in the results.
- In Having Clause possible to use both fixed Values and Report Parameters.
- Sort by fields: Ascending and Descending.
- Printing Images.
- Possible to use any number of Report Parameters in the wizard when printing a report:
- The following types of Report Parameters are supported in the Report: Char, Integer, Float, Many2one, Many2many, Date, DateTime, Boolean.
- Report Parameters can be Required to be filled in the Report Printing Wizard or not.
- Possible to determine the order of the Report Parameter Fields in the Report Printing Wizard.
- Domains can be used in the settings of each section.
- In domains possible to use both fixed Values and Report Parameters.
- Possible to print Archived Data.
- Possible definition of output file name pattern.
- Display a brief description of the report in the wizard when printing a report.
- Creating a report print menu – a report is generated for all records of the main report model.
- Adding a menu to the “Print” menu of the Main Report Model – a report is generated based on the selected model records.
- Possible to send the report by Email.
- Possible to force specify the Report Language to be different from the Language of the User who prints the Report.
- Possible to duplicate the report configuration for further editing.
- Export and import report configuration between different databases (Menu: Action–>Export/Import Report Configuration).
- The ability to use a customized files in MS Excel format (XLSX, XLSM) as a template containing predefined (pre-formatted) fields (sheet, data, color scheme, font size, border, images, page layout, data formats, width, height, alignment, formulas, etc.)
You can prepare a template file in MS Excel or LibreOffice.
Example for a Sales Analysis Report
- Sales Orders with the following Fields: Number, Date, Customer, Product, Ordered Quantity, Unit Price, Discont (%), Subtotal, Invoiced Quantity, Delivered Quantity, State, Salesperson
- Invoices with the following Fields: Number, Invoice Date, Due Date, Product, Quantity, Unit Price, Discont (%), Subtotal, Type, Status
- Payments with the following Fields: Name, Payment Date, Currency, Payment Amount
- Warehouse Operations with the following Fields: Reference, Date, Product, Initial Demand, Reserved, Done, Operation Type, State
- Projects with the following Fields: Project Name, Task Name, Assigned to, Planned Hours, Hours Spent, Remaining Hours, Deadline, Progress (%), Stage
- Timesheets for Tasks with the following Fields: Date, Description, Employee, Duration (Hours)
- Summary of Sales Orders, Invoices, Payments, Warehouse Operations, Projects