QuickBooks USA Online Odoo Connector
QuickBooks USA Online Odoo Connector Features
Added new Dashboard. New
Dashboard displays all the Sale, Purchase Order, Invoice Bill data like total record , pending record, waiting record, done, unpaid and paid details.
Import/Export Account Tax.
Import the Account Tax from the Quickbook to Odoo and Odoo to Quickbook
Import/Export Customer.
Import the Customer from the Quickbook to Odoo and Odoo to Quickbook
Import/Export Vendor.
Import the Vendor from the Quickbook to Odoo and Odoo to Quickbook
Import/Export Product Category.
Import the Product Category from the Quickbook to Odoo and Odoo to Quickbook
Import/Export Product.
Import the Product from the Quickbook to Odoo and Odoo to Quickbook
Import Inventory.
Import the Inevntory from the Quickbook to Odoo.
Import/Export Payment Method (Journal)
Import the Payment Method (Journal) from the Quickbook to Odoo and Odoo to Quickbook
Import/Export Payment Term.
Import the Payment Term from the Quickbook to Odoo and Odoo to Quickbook
Import/Export Sales Order.
Import the Sale Order from the Quickbook to Odoo and Odoo to Quickbook
Odoo Multi Version Support
Supports Multiple Odoo Versions
Import/Export Invoices.
Import the Invoice from the Quickbook to Odoo and Odoo to Quickbook
Import Credit Memo
Import the Memo from the Quickbook to Odoo
Import/Export Purchase Order
Import the Purchase Order from the Quickbook to Odoo and Odoo to Quickbook
Dynamic Mapping Fields Configuration
We can configured fields and sub fields which we want to import and export.
Import Data based on ID
Import the Data based on the defined Id
Backend Configuration Menu
Configuration from the company form view
One Place For Import/Export
Added all the import, Export and Mapping from Company Form view.
Cron to Schedule the Functions
Automatically run the scheduler based on the configured time.
Limit of Import Data
We can also defined the Limit for the import the records.
Dynamic Dashboard
We can defined the dynamic object and based on that it will effect on the Charts.
Dynamic Mapping Fields for Import/Export
We can import and Export the Data based on the configured fields and sub fields.
Single sync button on every form view to export data instantly.
We can sync the single record from the particular form view of the record.
Reference of last import record in one place.
We have last imported records in one place.
Import Chart of Account.
Import the Accouns from the Quickbook to Odoo.