Pragmatic Laundry Management
Our Laundry Management App is a comprehensive solution tailored for laundry businesses, simplifying every step of the process. Customers can easily choose their desired services through a user-friendly interface. Behind the scenes, the app optimizes operations by coordinating pickups, managing the laundry process, and ensuring prompt deliveries.
App Features
- Admin Dashboard
- Servicer Dashboard
- Driver Dashboard
- QC Dashboard
- Email integration
- Payment gateway integrations
- Employee management
- Review and complaint features
- Service configuration
- Invoice/Payment management
- Website
Employee Management
Employees can be created based on the groups to which they belong
- Admins
- Driver
- Service Person
- QC(Quality Controller)
There is option to Create a User for each employee and a reset password link will be sent to the email ID The Access Rights for each employee depend on the group to which they belong.
- Products can be created and product type as storable,
- Variant can be selected as Service
- Attributes can be created, Edited, Or selected from the predefined options we have provided
- The price for each product attribute can be defined separately
- The Product will be displayed on the shop page on publishing on website
Laundry Order
Laundry Orders are created when customer confirms the order and makes the payment
Laundry order have multiple states as
- Sale Order – when the customer confirms and makes payment
- Assign to pickup – when we assign a driver to pickup
- Picked – when the driver picks the service product from customer’s location
- Reached store – when the products is delivered at the company’s service location
- Service Completed – when service is completed
- Qc – when the serviced goods are at qc team
- Qc Approved – when the serviced goods are approved by Qc team
- Out for delivery – when the goods are out for delivery to customer
- Delivered – Serviced goods are delivered to Customer.
The status will be shown to the customer in the oders page and notified to employee at each time they are assigned.
There are smart buttons to Qc records, Delivery,Service order ,Invoice,Customer Preview and the Picking on the Laundry Dashboard
Complaints and Reviews
Customer can add Reviews and Complaints from Orders
Admin can view the complaints and Reviews added by customer
Complaints and Reviews will contain the details of Laundry order,customer and comment they added
Qc Dashboard
The Qc team can Approve or Reject a service
On Rejecting a Service a pop-up would ask to mark the Reason to Reject
Driver Dashboard
When Driver is Assigned a pick-up Or Delivery of the serviced goods it will be displayed on the dashboard
Driver can validate the order and mark it as Delivered.