Odoo POS Realtime Update
Avoid reloading of POS Session in Odoo!!
Odoo POS Realtime Update enables you to update the product, partner, price list items, and taxes data in the POS without page reloading the session in Odoo. Whether you perform any operation like creating, updating, or deleting the product from the backend, it will automatically update the POS Session. There is no need to reload the page as it will update all the changes in real-time.
Make your updating process real-time in POS!!
It happens many times when a product is updated from the Odoo backend but updates are not visible on the POS Session while you are placing an order in the store. This leads to mismanagement of product details in the live POS Session. Odoo POS Realtime Update Module lets you manage all the updates in real-time.
Yes, you heard that right!! It’s a real-time process that automatically updates the POS Session. It updates the product, customers, product prices, pricelist, and tax-related data added or updated the existing ones by the admin from the backend in POS. This enables POS users to place orders with updated products without loading the POS Session again.
Say no to the reloading of running POS Session in Odoo!!
Also, if there is a change in the product price it will automatically update the price in running POS Session without reloading the POS Session It will let the POS user place orders with an updated price.
This lets POS users save time and enables them to place orders without any disruption in the customer queues.
Required Setup To Enable WebSocket:
- You must have a proxy redirecting requests whose URL starts with /websocket/ to the gevent port.
- Follow the odoo documentation to enable it.- https://www.odoo.com/documentation/16.0/administration/install/deploy.html#livechat.
- Update the product details whenever you wish to as it will automatically update the details in real-time.
- Add the product or change the existing product’s price from the backend without interrupting the live POS Session.
- Let POS user manages all the POS orders smoothly without any interruption of reloading the POS Session.
- Saves POS Users time and ease out the task of loading running POS session repeatedly.
- Real-time updating of products avoids mismanagement in the product price or its details.