POS Order Return
Make your customers return products with ease in POS!!
2 Modules Downloadable
Returning an order in a more convenient way is something which every customer strives for in today‘s world. As after standing in a long queue, customers desire that the user at the POS consumes less time to return their product. Hence, we have our module POS Order Return, which has the feature to return order at ease and in a more convenient manner with allied
Make Order Return convenient for customers!!
It facilitates Refund/Return orders in live Odoo POS sessions. This makes it convenient for customers to return the product and get all the refund details in the return receipt. The POS user can just select the order and enter the quantities the customer wishes to return and process the refund.
- Easily return the products in the running POS session.
- Helps customers return orders in a more convenient way.
- Customers get full refunds whenever a product is returned.
- The Odoo user can also set some products as non-returnable.
- Odoo users can enter the quantities as per customer wish for order return.
- The receipt of the returned order is generated that shows the refund details.
- Return order within POS Session
- Return POS orders with ease
- Get full refunds when product returned
- Can set some products unreturnable.
- Enter the quantities as per customer wish
- Detailed Features List
Return POS Orders With Ease
- The Odoo users can return orders within the POS Session.
- Odoo users can return an order completely or partially (by selecting products to return).
- They can again return the partially returned order according to customer
Choose The Products That Are Eligible For Return Process
- The Odoo users can also set product(s) as non returnable.
- These products will not be returned once the POS order is placed.
Detailed View Of The Previous POS Orders Is Provided
- Odoo users can see the detailed view ( ordered products, quantity, price, total amount, payment mode, customer etc.) of previous orders directly in the POS Session.
- No complex backend configuration is needed at the time of return.
Generates Receipts For The Returned Products With Refund Details
- The Odoo user can return or refund the product quantities as per customer wish.
- A receipt is generated that shows the refund details of the returned product.