Single Sign On into Odoo with our OAUTH Single Sign On – OAuth SSO Login plugin.
Odoo Single Sign-On ( Odoo SSO ) allows users to login into any site / application using single set of credentials of another app / site.
Example. If you have all your Users / Customers / Members / Employees stored on 1 site ( ex. Microsoft Azure AD, Azure B2C, Gmail, WordPress, AWS Cognito, Keycloak etc. ), let′s say site A and you want all of them to register / login into your WordPress site say site B. In this scenario, you can register / login all your users of site A into Site B using the login credentials / account of Site A. This is called Single Sign-On or SSO.
OAuth and OpenID Connect are token based Single Sign-On ( SSO ) protocols which allows an end user′s account information to be used by third party services without exposing the user′s password.
Along with OAuth 2.0, the SSO plugin has also support for OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.1 protocol.
Key Features
Single Sign-On
Allow users to log in once and access all services without re-entering credentials for authentication i.e. secure user authentication with a single set of credentials
Just In Time (JIT) User Provisioning & Account Linking
Users will be auto-created after Odoo SSO if the user is not present in Odoo user list. Account linking syncs users profile from IDP / provider application to Odoo.
Customizable OAuth & OpenID Connect SSO flow
We can customize the Odoo SSO flow for any OAuth & OpenID Connect (OIDC) IDP according to your requirements to login into your Odoo site.
Attribute Mapping
After Odoo Single Sign-On (SSO), attribute mapping helps to map the fetched user attributes from the Identity Provider to the Odoo user.
Authorization Code Grant
A temporary code that the client will exchange for an access token obtained from the authorization server, allowing the user to view the information requested by the client and approve or deny it.
Multiple IDP Support
Configure multiple ( OAuth / OpenID providers ) IDPs with Odoo SSO and authenticate different groups of users with different IDP logins.