Jewellery Management
Manage your Jewellery store easily with the help of this module. From Purchase, reception, sales, Delivery, Customer invoices, Supplier Invoices. With all reports like sale order, quotation, purchase order, quotation, invoice, bills, picking, delivery modified to have metal info.
key features:
- Purchase Jewellery.
- Receive Jewellery
- Sale Jewellery
- Portal Access to Sale Order of Jewellery
- Deliver Jewellery
- Create and pay Supplier Bills for Jewellery
- Create and receive payment for Jewellery Sold.
- Supplier and Customer Payment supports Metal payments against Outstanding Metal or payment.
- Manage Stone Weight while purchase and Sale of Jewellery
- Auto Add Jewellery stone weight while purchasing.
- Auto Deduct Jewellery stone weight while Selling.
- Auto Calculate Metal Payment details.
- All Reports like sale, purchase, supplier/customer invoice, incoming/outgoing picking modified to show details of metals and Jewellery.
- Auto Calculate Gross Weight, Stone Weight, Net weight on Catalogue(Template Product) from Variants.
- Show Individual Gross Weight, Stone Weight, Net weight on Catalogue Products(Product Variant).
- Supports Partial/full/Extra Metal Payment and balance with other Payment methods like bank, cash etc.