Biometric Attendance Machines Integration
With All Odoo Apps Dependencies
Key Features
- Support both UDP and TCP for large attendance data (tested with a real machine that store more than 90 thousand attendance records).
- Support connection with either domain name or IP.
- Authenticate machines with password.
- Multiple machines for multiple locations.
- Multiple machine time zones at multiple locations.
- Multiple Attendance Status support (e.g. Check-in, Check-out, Start Overtime, End Overtime, etc).
- Store fingerprint templates in employee profiles to quickly set up new a machine (Added since version 1.1.0).
- Delete Machine’s Users from Odoo.
- Upload new users into the machines from Odoo’s Employee database.
- Auto Map Machine Users with Odoo employee base on Badge ID mapping, or name search mapping if no Badge ID match is found.
- Store Machine Attendance data permanently.
- Manual/Automatic download attendance data from all your machines into Odoo (using scheduled actions).
- Manual/Automatic synchronize machine attendance data with HR Attendance so that you can access them in your salary rules for payslip computation.
- Automatically Clear Attendance Data from the machines periodically, which is configurable.
- Designed to work with all attendance machines that based on ZKTeco platform.
- Fully TESTED with the following machines:
- ZKTeco K50
- ZKTeco MA300
- ZKTeco U580
- ZKTeco T4C
- ZKTeco G3
- RONALD JACK iClock260
- ZKTeco K14
- iFace702
- ZKTeco H5L
- Uface 800 (worked with finger and face)
- Reported by clients that the module has worked great with the following machines
- ZKTeco K40
- ZKTeco U580
- iFace402/ID
- ZKTeco MB20
- ZKteco IN0A-1
- ZKTeco H5L
- Uface 800
- … (please advise us your machines. Tks!)
- Fully TESTED with the following machines:
Tons of thanks to Fananimi for his pyzk library @
We got inspired from that and customize it for more features (machine information, Python 3 support, TCP/IP support, etc) then we integrated into Odoo by this great Attendance Machine application
Editions Supported
- Community Edition
- Enterprise Edition