Module Automatic Translation Tool.
By following a few simple and fast procedures, you can use the Translate tool module to translate Odoo custom modules. As it stores the file in your module directory and retrieves it each time a translation request is made, it reduces the time needed to complete the translation.
- Create an i18n directory inside the module using the PO file for the language of your choice; if it already exists, it will be added to the i18n directory.
- Translate any custom module automatically
- Reduce the time spent translating the PO files
- Optimise the translation process to cut down on translation expenses
- Support odoo community & enterprise
The following external dependencies must be installed in order to use this module to its full potential.
- pip3 install deep_translator
- pip3 install googletrans
- pip3 install numpy
Module Functionality.
We shall now use the English language before the translation.