All In One Cancel – Advance | All In One Cancel and Delete
This module helps to cancel sale orders, purchase orders, invoices, payments, inventory (inventory transfer, stock move & scrap Orders), landed costs, HR Expenses, point of sale orders. You can also cancel multiple records from the tree view.
Key Features
Cancel Sale Orders
Users can cancel individual orders as well multiple orders(from tree view) with the following options:
– Cancel Only
– Cancel and Reset to Draft
– Cancel and Delete
Option to Cancel Delivery Order or Cancel Invoice and Payment or both for respective sale order.
Cancel Invoice and Payment
Users can cancel individual orders as well multiple orders(from tree view) with the following options:
– Cancel Only
– Cancel and Reset to Draft
– Cancel and Delete
Cancel HR Expense
Users can cancel individual expense as well multiple expenses(from tree view) with the following options:
– Cancel Only
– Cancel and Reset to Draft
– Cancel and Delete
Cancel Point of Sale Orders
Users can cancel individual orders as well multiple orders(from tree view) with the following options:
– Cancel Only
– Cancel and Reset to Draft
– Cancel and Delete
Option to Cancel Delivery Order or Cancel Invoice and Payment or both for respective POS order.