Advanced User Audit | User Activity Audit | Login Notification
Track every user’s activities, operations & sessions of the system
This Module Allows privileged users to track all the operations (such as read, create, modify, and delete) performed on Data Models by the users & all their running sessions. And trace back the session on which any particular activity is performed. And also if any suspicious session started, the user can track down the activities (such as record read, create, update & delete) with a complete audit trail. And kill that session to force logout the malicious user. This module will kill the user’s sessions after a specified time duration if defined in configuration settings. This module will automatically notify the respective users by mail of any new login.
User Activity Audit
Easy to track the operations like read, create, update and delete performed by the internal users in system for any modules and any fields.
Session Management
Easy to track all the individual sessions started by internal users with ip and location.
Automatic Activity Recording
Every user’s activity will be automatically recorded in the system and will be linked to sessions. No configurations are required.
Meaningful user activity logs
Detailed informatic logs of every operation of necessary modules only. Unnecessary module logs will be discarded automatically.
Session Information
Users can see the information of any session like IP, date, device, location, os & browser. Also, the activities performed during that session.
Manage with Access rights
Admin can manage all the sessions while the user has access to only their sessions.
Quick Notification
Users will get an instant email notification if any new sessions start to alarm the users.
Kill any Session
Users can easily kill their running sessions with just one click.
Track all models
Advanced User Audit can help to track all models including third-party models.