Advanced Inventory Reports
In any industry today inventory optimization is a vital function. Inventory excess or shortage at any level of the supply chain can affect the availability of products and/or services to consumers. It is critical to check inventory imbalance between supply and demand dynamics.
We have developed inventory reports to help you to manage your inventory properly. With our inventory reports, users can track Turnover ratio, FSN classification (inventory movement frequency classification), XYZ classification (inventory classification based on stock value), FSN-XYZ combined classification to define sales strategies for the existing inventories. Overstock analysis, Out of Stock analysis and Stock movements (inventory rotation).
Key Features
Inventory Turnover Analysis Report
- Inventory turnover is a ratio showing how many times a company has sold and replaced inventory during a given period. Calculating inventory turnover can help businesses make better decisions.
Inventory FSN Analysis Report
- Helps users identify products movement frequency based on FSN classification. Classify all inventory movements into three categories: Fast moving, Slow moving, Non moving.
Inventory XYZ Analysis Report
- Helps classify inventory items according to the stock value and helps to minimize the inventory carrying cost.
Inventory FSN-XYZ Combine Analysis Report
- This two dimensional combined FSN and XYZ classification scheme helps in planning the sales strategies to dispose of blocked inventories by selling them off.
Inventory Age & Age Breakdown Analysis Report
- Inventory ageing reports tell you the number of days an item has been sitting in inventory based on the receipt date. Having access to this kind of information allows you to make informed decisions when it comes to what and how many products to purchase.
Inventory Out of Stock Report
- Tracks any product that will be out of stock in the next upcoming days based on the product inventory movement frequency. It helps identify how many days of available inventory you have to fulfill sales demand.
Inventory Overstock Report
- Helps eliminate the ordering of overstocked products which can lead to excess carrying inventory costs and potential major losses. Also helps categorize existing products in XYZ classification and FSN classification.
Inventory Stock Movement Report
- Provides the ability to track all inventory movements for all warehouses and for all companies. Users can track inventory movements between specific dates or up to a certain date.
- The Inventory Age and Inventory Age Breakdown Report will display records only whose Product Category costing method is FIFO or Average.