Agriculture Crop Request from Website by Customer
Website Crop Request for Agriculture Odoo App
With All Community Apps Dependencies
This app allows your customer / farmer / consumer to create a crop request from the website page and the system will create a crop request in the backend and show the same request to the customer in my account portal of your website.
Main Features:
- Customers / Farmers can create crop requests from the website and view in my account portal.
- After submitting a crop request then the system will create a crop request in the backend.
- For details about the agriculture module please click on the dependent app of agriculture.
- Example:
- COMPANY-ABC is producing crops using processes like (i) Preparation of soil (ii) Sowing (iii) Adding manure and fertilizers (iv) Irrigation (v) Protecting from weeds (vi) Harvesting (vii) Storage (examples steps). That means COMPANY-ABC has resources/farmers and provides crop produce services to their customers also.
- CUSTOMER-XYZ has 5 acres of land but do not have a resources to produce a crop on their land so CUSTOMER-XYZ can contact COMPANY-ABC to provide service for crop production on their 5 acres of land for the crop they want to produce (like wheat, corn, rice, etc.) and once COMPANY-ABC get crop request from the website from CUSTOMER-XYZ then they (COMPANY-ABC) can provide crop production services to CUSTOMER-XYZ.