XF Sign Any Document
Add electronic/digital signature functionality for document forms.
How it works:
After installing the module, you can add char field for any model and add this field to the form view of this model.
Use widget draw_sign and some options: <field name="x_sign" widget="draw_sign" options="{'mode':['show', 'draw']}"/>
Available options:
- mode: [‘show’, ‘draw’] – widget mode
- [‘show’] to show already drawn signature,
- [‘draw’] – to show drawing area,
- [‘show’, ‘draw’] – to display image and drawing area.
- confirm: true/false – ask confirmation of user on click the “Sign” button
- width: 300px – width of drawing area and image
- height: 150px – height of drawing area and image
- button_title: ‘Sign’ – the title of the button