Excel Odoo Connector
Data connection and synchronization
Using this module you can generate office document connection (ODC) file and open it via Microsoft Excel to build reports or for other purposes.
Also special url allows you to fetch data from Odoo into Power BI.
This module helps to get and synchronize data between Odoo and Excel, LibreOffice, PowerBI. Using the Odoo Excel Connector you can link ERP data and Excel spreadsheets, easily sync Odoo data to Excel file, build reports (accounting reports, sales reports, purchase order reports, project task reports and any kind of other reports).
Excel file can be updated manually (the Refresh button) or with a regular time interval.
You can see how it works in this short video.
The functionality is tested using Excel App from Office 365. If you use older office apps or want to link Odoo data manually please see next video: How to link external data from Odoo to Excel using Web Data URL
If you use LibreOffice or other OpenOffice suite you can link external data from Odoo. Please watch this video: How to link Odoo data to LibreOffice Calc.