Odoo Magento 2 connector
Odoo Magento integration | Extension | Bridge helps you to manage all your eCommerce Operations at advance level. This Module helps you with Import | Export and Update functions in a bi-directional way to synchronize various functions.
Odoo Magento 2 connector will provide with below features
- Import Websites
- Import Stores
- Import Attribute Sets
- Export Attribute Sets
- Update Attribute Sets
- Import Attributes
- Import Categories
- Export Categories
- Import Customers
- Import Products
- Export Products
- Import Product stock / Inventory
- Export Stock/Inventory
- Import Product Images
- Export Product Images
- Import Orders
- Update Orders Status
- Import Invoice
- Export Invoice
- Import Shipment
- Export Shipment
First you need to go in Magento menu and click on Core Settings and than Magento instance
Smart button will help you to easily navigate to Websites, Stores, Attribute Sets, Attribute, Categories, Products and Customers.
1. You need to enter the website url (location) with username and password of your website backend to connect with odoo
2. After entering credentials click on load magento website which will import all websites in odoo which are configured in your magento
3. Once websites are imported in odoo click on Load Magento stores.
4. Import catalog Attribute which is highlighted will help you to import
a. Attribute Sets
b. Import Attributes
c. Import categories
5. Import Customers from the button given
6. Manage Catalog will help you to import
a. Import Products
b. Import Stock /Inventory
c. Import Images