Odoo Reports
German Documents/Reports in Odoo
You have surely wondered when you printed out a customer offer in Odoo for the first time. The address line is somewhere and not where it belongs. With the layout you can’t really lure customers behind the oven. Ecoservice has the solution for you.
Documents for all areas
Customer quotation, order confirmation, supplier request, purchase order, delivery note, invoice, credit note
Printing on letter paper
All documents can be printed as PDF documents with logo and on letterhead.
Individual texts
Standard texts can be set and individually adapted in the document.
All documents run in a multi-company environment
Individual font
The font can be set individually
Sale Layout
The Odoo standard function for headings, subtotals and line breaks are respected
Position number
The item numbers can be shown and hidden
Optional products
Optional products are also displayed on the documents.
Head section
The header displays important information such as customer number, reference, VAT ID, contact
Footer with company address, local court, managing director, banks
Page number
The number of pages and the document name is shown on all documents