Budget for Job Contracting and Construction Projects
Construction Projects and Job Contracting Projects with Analytic Budgets
Only Compatible with Community Edition of Odoo.
4 Modules Downloadable
This app allows your accounting team to create and manage budgets based on analytic accounts/projects for job contracting and construction.
This app allows you to create and manage budgets based on analytic accounts/projects for job contracting projects and construction projects.
Main Features:
- Allow you to create a budget for your project/jobs/construction contract.
- Automatically synchronization with Job Cost Sheets for your projects.
- Give real picture of actual purchase, vendor bills, Timesheet on budget form based on material, labour and overheads.
- You have to configure Budget lines by Job, Job Cost line which will show you Planned amounts of material, Labour and overheads.
- Allow you to view material, labour and overhead actual amounts spent vs planned on budget form.
- Reporting/Pivot view of budget analysis.
- You can create a budget for multiple job cost sheets and job cost lines.
- Budget lines allow you to see Planned and Actual Amounts and Qty’s.
- For more details please watch Video and check below screenshots.
- You can create a budget for multiple job cost sheets and job cost lines.
- For details about job costing and construction management you can click on https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/16.0/odoo_job_costing_management/
- If you are using odoo enterprise edition or odoo.sh then you can check below app :https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/16.0/job_costing_budget_contracting_enterprice/
Menus Available:
- Jobs
- Project
- Project Budgets
- Budget Report
- Budget Analysis
- Project