ReportMate extracts all the needed information for all the fields of any Odoo Model and displays complex data in a single view. Customers can create powerful, richly formatted, dynamic reports in the Tree, List, Graph, and Pivot format. This app allows to display the data in a flat data structure meaning, no more multiple clicks to arrive at your needed results. Increase your business productivity and save your developer’s time by using ReportMate.
In Odoo, there is no option available for users to create custom reports on their own from the view.
The app ReportMate allows users to display all their records in a flat data structure. The company can now easily group several data sets to be displayed.
Hot Features
- Create Custom View
Create Custom View/Report based on Selected Model and by Selecting Fields/Relations on their own
- Different Views
Reports can be displayed in Pivot and Graph View
- Report Security
Created Reports can only be viewed by Groups that have access to view created reports/views
- Customisable Filter/Group Filter
Users can customize which fields to show in Search Filter/Group Filter
- Custom Query
User Can Write Query and Create Custom View/Report based on Custom Query
- Alter Values
User Can Alter values of fields.