Attachment / Document Extension with Directory and Numbering
Document Management System (DMS) with Directory and Document Numbering
Document Folders / Document Directory Odoo App
Main Features:
- This app will add the below features to the document/attachment module of Odoo Standard and allow Document Manager to handle/manage all the documents from the documents menu.
- Allow Document Manager to create and manage a directory/folder by model/object as shown.
- Every directory/folder has separate sequence numbering for attachments/documents. You can see the sequence field on the directory form the below screenshots.
- App also adds security to the directory so only specific groups can access/create documents/attachments under that directory. (Optional if you do not select a group then no security).
- Note that the Document menu is only available for the Document Manager group. (We have created a new group Document Manager under the group’s list). So for the user who is a document manager user you have to assign this new group to that user.
- This app is totally dedicated and made for Document Manager who can manage documents in Odoo as shown in the below screenshots.
- If there is no directory available for any model/object in the directory list then the attachment/document will follow the DOC/ generic sequence for that attachment/document.
- Allow you to create a directory based on resource id/record id also. You will have to create a directory by specifying the resource id and then the system will be able to attach documents into that directory if go on that record and attach.
- For more details please watch the video and check the below screenshots.
Available Menus:
- Document
- Directories
- Directories
- Directories Structure
- All Documents
- All Documents
- Directories