Training Management for Customer / Partner / Vendor
Project Training | Task Training | Product Training | Other Training for Customer / Vendor / Partner Training Odoo App
Organize Training Application for Project / Task / Product / Other Purpose
With All Community Apps Dependencies
This app allows your training team to conduct or organize training for your partners/vendors/customers with respect to your project, project task, product, and other training as shown in the below screenshots.
Main Features
- The Training Manager or Training Officer can create and manage the training applications along with training for projects, products, tasks, and other training as shown.
- The system generates unique training application numbers.
- Allow your training team to set the Participants, Internal Trainers, and Share To External Trainers on the Training Application form view.
- Allow sending by email training application and training to the participants and partner of training application and training.
- Allow to create and manage the meetings (Odoo Standard) for training application and training with partners, participants, and trainers as shown.
- The training team can create and manage the material requisition for training application and training.
- Training Manager and Training Officer can create trainers and manage them. Trainers can be internal or external.
- TrTraining Manager can configure for training types, tags, categories, application stages, and training stages.
- Internal trainers to view and manage the training applications and training where they have set as internal trainers.
- The training team can view the Application Training and Training on the Partner resepected form.
- Customers, External Trainers, and Participants can view the training applications on the My Account page of the Portal of your website.
- Allow the team to print PDF reports of Training Application and Training as shown.
- For more details please watch the video and check the below screenshots.
Roles by Users:
- 1. Training Manager – Denim Doms [Example]
- 2. Training Officer – Peter Swimt [Example]
- 3. Internal Trainer – Peter Parker [Example]
- 4. External Trainers – Oscar Morgan [Example]
- 5. Portal – Customer / Portal Participants – Oscar Morgan [Example]
Role of Training Manager:
- Allow to create and manage the training applications.
- Allow to create and manage the trainers for training applications.
- Allow sending email to the participants and partner of application and training.
- Allow to create and manage the meetings for training application and training.
- Allow to create and manage the material requisition for training application and training.
- Allow to create and manage the configuration for training types, tags, categories, application stages, and training stages.
- Allow the team to print PDF reports of Training Application and Training as shown.
Role of Training Officer:
- Allow to create and manage the training applications.
- Allow to create and manage the trainers for training applications.
- Allow sending email to the participants and partner of application and training.
- Allow to create and manage the meetings for training application and training.
- Allow to create and manage the material requisition for training application and training.
- Allow the team to print PDF reports of Training Application and Training as shown.
Role of Internal Trainer:
- Allow viewing the training applications and training where set as internal trainers.
- Allow to send email to the participants and partner of application and training.
- Allow to create and manage the meetings for training application and training.
- Allow to view the material requisition for training application and training.
- Print PDF report of Training Application and Training.
Role of Portal/Customer and Share to External Trainers :
- Allow seeing the My Application Trainings in my account portal of the website.
Menu Items :
- Trainings
- Trainings
- Training Applications
- Trainings
- Trainers
- Configuration
- Application Stages
- Training Stages
- Training Types
- Training Category
- Training Tags
- Trainings